Marcos Vidal Font – Balearic Appropriationist Map

BAM draws parallels with the current global pandemic which has severely impacted on the Balearics tourism economy through travel restrictions and quarantine requirements and the global economic downturn. It is an online archive which combines maps, statistics and graphics with a selection of silkscreen prints which represent former business and leisure activities in ten areas in Mallorca and one in Menorca. Business logos where no information can be found appear as silkscreen prints on T shirts.

Click the image above to open the piece.

Some instructions: Click on the map to find silkscreen prints of logos of individual businesses on the islands. Then click on the logos to find photographs or street locations of those businesses. Discover what is at those locations now.

Marcos Vidal Font lives and works in Sineu, Mallorca in the Balearic Islands where he hosts international artists’ residencies at Espai San Marc. He exhibits extensively in Spain and internationally and participates in residencies, most recently at ZK/U Centrum für Kunst und Urbanistik in Berlin. Vidal Font is an unorthodox sculptor. Inspired by a Dadaist practice, his work develops and materialises in a critical dialogue with objects, often furniture pieces. Working with wood, ceramics and found objects, he experiments with the location of his creations both in exhibition and public spaces, creating site- specific works.


The street view images included in Marcos Vidal Font’s project ‘BAM’ are copyright © Google 2024

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